canada-lakeLCS Laboratory Inc., is always open for international cooperation in the area of material testing, environmental testing, air quality testing, training, consulting, and research.

After 22 years in chemical business, we offer various services that include but are not limited to:

  1. Business consulting for commercial laboratories that are considering to open business in Canada
  2. ISO 17025 consulting and accreditation support for Canadian and International laboratories
  3. Independent Quality Assurance  management of your laboratory by LCS Laboratory QC team
  4. Laboratory start-up help
  5. Laboratory management by LCS Laboratory management crew
  6. Training of your laboratory personnel in our laboratory
  7. Training of your laboratory personnel in yours facility
  8. Lectures in Colleges, Schools and Universities
  9. “Sample Depot” services, where we collect laboratory samples on your behalf and forward them to your laboratory for testing.
  10. Business Representation. We represent your business in Canada.

Our Clients and Partners around the Globe:

I you believe that we can be  of any help to your University, College, or Company, please email us to discuss your needs.

Dr. Stepan Reut

President, LCS Laboratory Inc.

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