LCS Laboratory Inc. offers laboratory analysis of surface wipe samples for traces of Silicone Oils.

Silicone oil, is often used as a lubricant, vacuum oil, and releasing agent in industrial applications. Due to its high penetrating ability Silicone stays on surfaces even after routine cleaning, and may interfere with the normal use of the product. The most common problems associated with silicone oil contamination are:

  • Poor adhesion of glue to the area contaminated with silicone
  • Frequent defects on paint or coating applied to the area with silicone residue (known as the “Fisheye” defect).

If you are experiencing any such problems, please contact LCS for a sampling kit. Our test is selective for silicone oil, other contaminants such as petroleum or vegetable oils do not interfere with analysis.

The sampling kit includes cellulose filters that are used as wipes, organic solvent as a wetting agent, and disposable nitrile lab gloves. Samples are collected from the contaminated area using the NIOSH 9102 procedure and should be returned to our lab for analysis. Our laboratory extracts silicone oil from the wipes, concentrates, and purifies the sample, and analyzes it using a proprietary spectral technique. Typical detection limit is 10 μg of silicone oil per sample.

For more information, or to order a kit, please email us.

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