At LCS Laboratory Inc., we specialize in residential indoor air quality analysis and are proud to introduce our new laboratory testing service for highway asphalt dust exposure. This method has been specifically developed and validated to ensure the air quality safety of residents living near highways, where asphalt dust is pulverized by passing traffic and enters nearby residential properties.

Why Test for Highway Asphalt Dust?

Asphalt may contain high concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs), including carcinogenic PAHs. These compounds pose serious health risks when inhaled over prolonged periods. Our advanced testing method allows for precise detection of asphalt dust in indoor air, ensuring compliance with air quality safety guidelines.

Our Modified NIOSH 5800 Testing Method

To accurately assess exposure levels, we employ a modified version of the NIOSH 5800 method. Our approach includes:

  • Sample Collection: Asphalt dust is collected on 37 mm PTFE filters, with a total sample volume of 2000L of air.
  • Sample Extraction: Once received at our laboratory, the asphalt dust is extracted from the filters.
  • Fluorescent Analysis: Using an extremely sensitive fluorescence detection technique, we analyze the sample to determine the concentration of asphalt dust.
  • Reporting: Results are provided in micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m³), which can be directly compared to regulatory limits, such as the Ontario Clean Air Guideline for coal tar pitch in residential air (0.2 µg/m³).

Who Should Consider This Test?

If your client lives near a busy highway and is concerned about potential exposure to asphalt dust, this service is ideal for them. Identifying and quantifying asphalt dust levels in indoor air can help determine the need for mitigation measures to protect residents’ health.

Get Started Today

For more information, shipping instructions, or to discuss your testing needs, please contact LCS Laboratory Inc.

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