FAQ: Our company is involved in a roof inspection project. As a part of the project, we need to verify what kind of tar was used. Can you assist?
Answer: Hello, and thank you for your request. LCS Laboratory Inc., offers identification tests for Coal Tar in roofing tar insulation. Both Coal Tar and Oil Tar (produced from mineral oil), are used as industrial roofing materials. The tars look very much alike but have different chemical properties. Coal tar is rich in Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and other chemicals typically identified as hazardous. Oil Tar may also contain PAH, but usually in much lower quantities.
Such differences in chemical composition between the two tars is linked to the extreme temperature employed in Coal Tar Production. Temperature of the coal oven can vary from 1100°C to 1700°C. At this temperature, volatile organic compounds undergo a chain of chemical transformations. These lead to the formation of heavy PAH molecules, onto even heavier asphaltens and eventually to graphite or soot.
Oil Tar is distilled from natural oil at a lower temperature of 450°C – 600°C, which results in a much lower concentration of PAH, and therefore, to a much safer product.
We offer 3 tests to gauge roof tar:
- Coal Tar Solubility, Does it match Coal Tar Definition set in ASTM
Screening Test for PAH’s (positive/negative) by thin layer chromatography.
Concentration of PAH’s in coal tar extract.
To order the test, please send us a small sample piece (2″ by 2″) of roofing material. Try to select pieces with an excessive amount of tar. Use the sample submission form to describe your samples and specify the test you require. Provide your contact information including your email address and a desirable turnaround time. Please call us to discuss your project.
Thank you again