Asbestos dust is a hidden hazard that can linger long after asbestos abatement projects are complete. If not thoroughly removed, residual asbestos dust can remain a persistent source of contamination, affecting air quality and posing health risks. To address this challenge, LCS Laboratory Inc. offers a unique test for detecting asbestos dust on surfaces, exclusive to our laboratory in Canada.

Testing for Residual Asbestos Dust on Surfaces

Our specialized test helps monitor the cleanliness and safety of areas where asbestos is or has been present. It provides a unique tool for:

  • Assessing Cleanliness: Evaluate the effectiveness of post-abatement housekeeping and confirm the removal of asbestos dust from work surfaces.
  • Determining Contaminated Area Extent: Identify the extent of asbestos contamination in various zones to ensure a safe environment.

Sample Collection Options

We offer two reliable sampling methods tailored to different surfaces:

  1. Micro-Vacuuming on PCM Cassettes: Ideal for porous surfaces, such as concrete floors or rough wood, micro-vacuuming is an effective approach for capturing dust in hard-to-clean areas.
  2. Wipe Samples on Ashless Cellulose Filters or Medical Alcohol Pads: Best suited for smooth surfaces like ceramic tiles, painted panels, steel, or glass, wipe sampling ensures efficient dust collection on non-porous materials.

Advanced Analysis Using EPA 600/R-93/116

Once your samples reach our laboratory, we analyze the collected dust using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), following the EPA 600/R-93/116, Point Count Method. The report provides the asbestos concentration in percent per dust weight, helping clients understand the safety levels of the tested area. The results can be directly compared with a local regulation for asbestos in Construction Materials.

Contact Us for Sampling Media and Project Inquiries

Need to order sampling materials or discuss an asbestos testing project? Contact LCS Laboratory Inc. today to ensure the cleanliness and safety of your environment. Our experts are here to assist with all your asbestos analysis needs.

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