Has your company developed a new concept air purifier? Let us be a part of your engineering team and assist you with laboratory testing.

LCS Laboratory Inc., is an ISO 17025-2017 accredited facility that specializes in air quality measurements of all kind of hazardous particles, gases and vapors. Our technology allows us to measure concentrations of target compounds upstream and downstream from your filter or adsorbent, giving you the collection efficiency of your device.

We offer laboratory testing in our facility or collection of real, live, field samples from your pilot testing of the prototype.

For the dust filtration study, we offer tests to address:

  • Dust concentration in feed
  • Dust concentration in purified air
  • Collection efficiency
  • Collection capacity
  • Size distribution of breakthrough particles
  • Chemical analysis of dust

If your equipment is designed to remove vapors from the air stream, we can offer the following tests:

  • Vapor generation for test study
  • Laboratory test for vapors in the feed and effluent air
  • Collection efficiency
  • Collection capacity
  • Study of the effect of temperature, humidity and concentration on breakthrough volume of air
  • Chemical analysis of impurities in air

Please contact us to discuss your project or request a quote.


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