Many hotels and landlords choose to have their properties pet-free for a variety of reasons. Some may have had negative experiences with pets in the past, such as property damage or noise complaints from other guests or tenants. Others may simply prefer to cater to a certain demographic, such as those with allergies or a preference for a quiet and clean environment.

Sometimes, tenants may try to sneak pets into pet-free properties, which can be problematic for landlords, especially if there are lease agreements that prohibit pets. It can be difficult to determine whether or not a pet was present on the property, but our new service can provide the evidence you need to support your case.

LCS Laboratory Inc is excited to announce our newest service – the analysis of floor dust for animal hair. Animal hair is very different from human hair in both size and structure and can be easily distinguished from other particles in floor dust. With our state-of-the-art laboratory and 25 years of experience in fiber identification, we can now provide accurate and reliable testing for the presence of animal hair in dust samples.

carpet dust

carpet dust

A dog will typically shed or lose 1,000-2,000 hairs per day, and the same is true for other animals. If we detect animal hair in floor dust, it provides enough evidence that an animal was kept on a particular property. Our analysis process is simple and straightforward. Customers can submit dust samples from their homes, offices, or hotel rooms for confirmation that an animal was in the room.

At LCS Laboratory Inc, we are committed to providing the highest level of service and accuracy to our customers, and we are proud to offer this new analysis service to meet their needs. We only need about one pinch of dust delivered in a Ziplock bag. Please remember to submit a request form with your samples introducing yourself and explaining what test you are looking for.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please email us if you have any questions.

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