Cross Section of a wall

Cross Section of a wall

FAQ: I’m looking at doing some renovations on my home which would require taking down some of the existing drywall/plaster and I would like to get it tested for the presence of asbestos. I’m assuming the form attached is the correct form to submit with the sample and that I submit the sample in a ziplock bag? Your form mentions “Number of layers to analyze”, as you can see from the sample I took from a wall there are three layers but I’m not exactly sure what they all are, sheetrock, plaster & ? What should I put on the form if I’m not sure? C.

Answer: Hello C., Thank you for asking. This is very good question and an excellent image. To answer your question. There are 3 layers (excluding paper) in the sample. Each may contain asbestos. If you want to know how much asbestos is in each layer separately, we will split all layers and analyze them individually. They will be also all be reported separately. Our invoice will show the analysis of 3 individual layers and the cost will be for the analysis of the 3 samples.  To order the layer-by-layer test, please list all layers that you want to test in the “layer” column.

If you only want to know if there is any asbestos in the piece of drywall, then leave the “layer” column blank. Then we will know that the sample needs to be tested as a whole piece. The invoice will be for the analysis of one sample only.

To see other FAQ about asbestos analysis in residential homes, please visit our “Asbestos in Residential Houses” page or email us.

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