There are various scenarios where clients may need to assess surface oil precipitation. One common request we receive at LCS Laboratory Inc. involves post-cleanup evaluations, ensuring that oil removal meets the most stringent standards.

At LCS Laboratory Inc., we specialize in providing comprehensive testing solutions for hazardous material analysis, catering to both industrial and residential clients. Our services include supplying testing equipment for collecting air and wipe samples, ensuring the absence of residual oil mist in the air and confirming surface oil removal. We employ the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) technique following the NIOSH 5026 method, guaranteeing compliance with industry standards.

Air samples are collected using 0.8-micron air sampling cassettes designed to capture submicron oil droplets, while surface oil is collected using pre-cleaned cotton wipes. These wipes effectively capture any residual mineral oil, providing representative samples for analysis.

Your samples will undergo extraction and testing at our accredited laboratory in London, Ontario, Canada. Results will be reported in micrograms per sample and milligrams per cubic meter (for air samples only), allowing comparison with industrial or residential air quality standards and your company’s surface contamination standards.

Quality assurance is paramount at LCS Laboratory Inc. We ensure result accuracy and reliability through rigorous quality control measures at every testing stage.

For inquiries, orders, or further information about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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