cannabis_dryTetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) are the active components of cannabis plants. The plant produces THCA and THC which both can be detected in the plant samples. While being burned or at elevated temperatures THCA loses the acidic group and turns into THC which is inhaled by the smoker as fumes. Because THC and THCA both exhibit similar toxicological properties, they are often collected and reported together as total THC.

LCS Laboratory offers air sampling procedures for the evaluation of THC concentrations in the air of green houses, laboratories, and packaging stations. Your sampling kit includes air sampling pumps, and sampling media. The samples are collected on 37 mm filter at 1-2 L min for a total volume of up to 500 L of air. The samples are analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and  reported by our laboratory with a sensitivity of 1 ug/sample.  The test is recommended for the assessment of occupational exposure limits of workers who are involved in harvest, drying and packaging of medical marijuana.

LCS Laboratory offers other tests for the assessment of occupational exposure in medical marijuana production. Please email us to request additional information.

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