The analysis of crystalline silica within amorphous silica or silica gel holds paramount significance across various industries, particularly within the realms of safety and quality control. Silica gel, widely utilized in diverse applications, including medical settings, carries the potential for recrystallization into quartz under specific unfavourable conditions. This transformation can trigger health concerns due to the hazardous nature of quartz, thus necessitating precise methodologies for detecting and quantifying its presence.

In response to this imperative challenge, LCS Laboratory Inc has pioneered an innovative quantitative technique tailored for the detection of trace quantities of both quartz and cristobalite within silica gel. This pioneering approach capitalizes on the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) technique, enabling the accurate identification of crystalline silica even at concentrations as minute as 0.005%. This breakthrough method not only ensures compliance with regulatory standards but also elevates the overall level of product safety.

Our technique excels in detecting the earliest stages of crystallization, particularly when the dimensions of crystalline structures fall within the range of 1 to 5 microns. Our method validation procedure yielded the remarkable recovery of quartz between 90-100% across a concentration span of 0.002 to 0.100%.

At LCS Laboratory Inc, our dedication to product safety and quality transcends mere technological advancements. With 25 years in silica analysis, we can test your product for trace amounts of quartz. If you need this or any other test, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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