polycondenced aromaticPolycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAC) is a very generic term used for a broad group of chemicals that contain 2 or more aromatic rings. Those are produced at temperatures above 900°C. Many individual chemicals that are commonly found among PAC groups are carcinogenic. Light, the most volatile members of PAC groups are the least toxic and can be easily detected by their naphthalene-like (moth ball) smell. The heavy fraction of PAC contains nonvolatile, odorless, and extremely carcinogenic Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH): pyrene, fluorene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, and many other chemicals. LCS Laboratory Inc., can assist you in the detection of total PAC in the air of a fire damaged building.

Benzo(c)phenanthreneLCS Laboratory has developed a screening test for for nonvolatile components of the PAC group.  The sampling procedure is based on the OSHA method #58 for coal tar pitch volatile’s. Samples are collected on glass a fiber filter, and analyzed by LCS Laboratory using an ultra sensitive fluorescent analysis. The overall sensitivity for total PAC ‘s on a 200 L sample is 0.0005 mg/m³ or better.

Several industrial products are known to contain PAC’s: Asphalt fumes and Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles. The safety standard for Asphalt Fumes is set at 0.500 mg/m³ and Coal Tar Pitch Volatiles are regulated at 0.200 mg/m³ (Ontario 2013). To the best of our knowledge, there are no guidelines for PAC’s as a group of chemicals in Residential Air.

Gilian Pump with cassette

Gilian Pump with cassette

Interference’s. Wood dust and some industrial grade “air fresheners” may give false positive reading.

Sampling strategy. A screening test can be used as a fast and affordable procedure for the evaluation of the relative air quality in different parts of damaged and clean areas of the same building. First, a reference sample is collected in the clean area. This sample represents “acceptable” PAC levels for a building of this type. Other samples are collected in areas damaged by smoke and fire from the cleanest to  the most damaged part.

Possible interpretation of laboratory results. 

  • If the results exceed the Industrial Exposure Limit, the building must be decontaminated by a professional crew.  Personal Protection Equipment must be used.
  • If the reading is between 1% and 50% of Industrial Exposure Limit, smoke damage abatement is required.
  • If PAC readings that are in the damaged area are significantly higher than the clean area, PAC’s are present. Loose dust in the area must be removed and additional cleaning is required.
  • If the results from the contaminated area are at or below the reference sample, there is no indication of smoke related contamination with PAC’s.

LCS Lab will be happy to assist you with your project. To request a formal quote, please email us the following information:

  1. Your First Name, Last Name
  2. Shipping Address
  3. Contact Phone
  4. Number of samples you want to collect (The number of samples is typically equal to number of rooms you want to test). You use one sampler per room, so if you want to test a basement, kitchen, and garage, you need to order 3 separate sampling kits.
  5. What is the date of the sampling? We will deliver equipment beforehand.
  6. How fast do you need the results back (same day, 1-day, 2-days etc.). The standard turnaround time is 7 business days. If you want results faster, we can accommodate your request but you should expect a rush service surcharge

Thank you for your interest and stay safe.

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